The Physical Computing Lab
Thanks to its tools, the passion and expertise of its researchers, the lab allows for the rapid iteration and validation of research ideas as physical and digital prototypes for and with users before moving on to more complex systems.
The Physical Computing lab of the Human-Centred Intelligent System Research macrorearea enables the rapid building of new physical computing artefacts with crafting machines and embeddable computing devices for new forms of interaction with and for people.
What you find in the lab
The lab has several user-friendly machines for fabricating rapidly different artefacts for different people, e.g.,
- a compact laser cutter and engraver for wood and similar materials,
- digital cutting machines with blades for different materials (e.g., cardboard, paper, felt, silk, vinyl),
- a compact 3D printer and engraver.
It has diverse physical computing devices and boards to program and embed in artefacts:
- Arduino UNO, Genuino, Arduino IoT boards,
- Raspberry Pi Pico, Rasbperry Pi Pico W, with different expansion boards,
- Raspberry Pi boards, with several hats, e.g., Explorer Hat, Lego Hat,
- ESP32 S3 family,
- micro:bit, with different expansion boards,
- Adafruit Circuit Express family, Adafruit Feather, Adafruit Metro Express,…
- Prof. Rosella Gennari, Lab Head: gennari AT inf DOT unibz DOT it
- Dr. Bilal Khan, Lab Administrator and PhD Candidate: MuhammadBilal DOT Khan AT student DOT unibz DOT it
- Address: B1 building, Buozzi street 1, 39100 Bolzano, Italy
- Room: B1.3.36, third floor